Give today to build a new beaver sanctuary at Animal Wonders!

Donate now to help us build our beavers a home for the holidays and beyond

Give today to build a new beaver sanctuary at Animal Wonders! image


raised towards $20,000 goal



Days Left


Donate now to help us build our beavers a home for the holidays and beyond

Let's build a home for the builders who can't

Our Vision

At Animal Wonders, we’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of “home” during this holiday season. While this word can mean so many different things, we’ve been reflecting on how fortunate we are to provide a home for the individuals in our care- a safe and comforting place where they have the best chance for a happy and healthy life.

When Huckleberry came into our care, we knew we had to get creative in order to meet his unique needs. Over the years we’ve done just that, and we’re so proud to be one of the only facilities in Montana to offer this care to beavers in need. With the recent addition of Juniper, we devised a way to provide high-quality care and shelter for both of these beavers; however, our setup is temporary and might only last a year or two.

Right now, we have a chance to make something truly special for the beavers in our current care, and to open our doors to even more in need that have yet to come. With your help, we will build a permanent home for beavers that can’t build one for themselves- one where they can be rescued, rehabilitated, and cared for in perpetuity.

How You Can Make a Difference:

  • Donate to Building for Beavers: Every dollar brings us one step closer to providing a safe home for beavers in need.
  • Spread the Word: Share our campaign with your friends, family, and social networks.
  • Become a Beaver Benefactor: Consider making a recurring monthly donation to support the long-term care of beavers at Animal Wonders, in addition to our educational outreach programming.

Your contributions will go directly towards the construction of a new beaver sanctuary and the ongoing care of these amazing animals. The plan is to build a communal pond worthy of any beaver who calls Animal Wonders home, with ample space to dive and float to their heart's content. Each beaver room will have special access to the pond allowing us to offer socialization with other beavers or provide them with private time to swim in solitude if they prefer. The area surrounding the pond will be spacious enough to allow foraging of large branches to create lodges. Many of the beavers who need our help come with unique disabilities that have to be taken into account, and to ensure every beaver gets what they need, we'll make special accommodations to the pond. This will include: gradual sloping sides, an alternative entrance/exit with wide stairs, and multiple levels of water depth. The biggest challenge is maintaining the cleanliness of the pond and preventing it from freezing over in the winter. These challenges are being met with radiant floor heating (not a heated pool, just enough to keep it from becoming ice), a septic tank for the wastewater, and a filtration system. With your support, we'll create a place where Huckleberry, Juniper, and other beavers in need can truly be home for the holidays and beyond.


We've received a matching gift of $5,000!! To help us reach our goal, our generous donor will match every dollar given, up to $5K! We're so grateful for the kindness of our community. Thank you for helping us create such goodness in the world.